Friday, 2 March 2012

Medical Representative - addendum

Further to my last blog, one of my dear friends, sent me his experience. I am reproducing the same, with some modifications, without touching the spirit and soul.

I would also request all the readers to mail me their experiences both as MR or doctors. My article on Medical Representative will be enriched with these anecdotes. Please do contribute.

This is what my friend has said...

With MR bag in hand, putting on tie, a youth of 22-23 years walking in hot summer in a small town, Doctors & Chemists welcoming you, and complimenting GREAT SARABHAIS, we obviously would feel elated. Doctors offering cup of tea, some of them even would force to have lunch and telling their friends/patients BARI COMPANY KA SAHIB HAI..............................................................Eeven doctors would feel his prestige goes up when Sarbhais field staff called upon him and spent more time with him.

Reviving those memories creates a feeling which can only be mutually understood by a colleague. In one town I have to take one lunch at 12 noon with a Govt  PHC doctor  and second lunch at 3.30 PM with a very busy private practitioner, in those days. Eating DESI GHEE products was not a taboo. At both the places meals would be loaded with Desi Ghee and then HALWA, completely drenched in Desi Ghee. In one small town one Dr. Waxxxxxxkar would offer poha, the best I have ever eaten. I still remember, on the last visit by our PSR  to Bhind, we took 28 cups of tea, with equal number of Paan and we could not say No. The prestige Sarabhais enjoyed...........................   Well Sarabhais had no equal. (Unfortunate that the company does not exists now: this can be a subject for case study for MBA students)
 We can write & write with these like happy experiences; doctors would discuss about the products and appreciate Sarabhais MR.........................

I am grateful for sharing this experience. 

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