Sunday, 2 June 2013

Nurturing Laziness

The political parties are bent upon providing food grains at subsidized price to those under BPL. In fact the limit of income of less than Rs.27/- can itself be challenged. But that is another story. The intriguing questions are, how one can ride a bike and get a BPL card for himself, or how a female may find some time in between her two favourite serials and rush to get the BPL card.

The media has reported that the government might call a special session of Parliament to pass the National Food Security Bill. The ruling UPA claims that it will solve the hunger crisis on the other hand its critics are certain that it will only increase corruption, and that the public distribution system must be wound up and replaced by cash transfers. The corruption in PDS will never get eliminated and on the other hand the cash transfers will open up new avenues for corrupt officials. Today’s print media has advertisements announcing the launch of similar scheme in Madhya Pradesh, making rice available for Rs.2/- per kg and wheat for Rs.1/- per kg. Making food available at such a low price is big threat to the nation. I am not talking economics but conditioning of mind. Out of the basic needs of Roti, Kapada and Makan, government has taken care of Roti by providing food at near zero prices. Governments in many states provide a piece of land and the cash assistance to build the house. The Makan is also taken care of. Kapada is not of great significance and the same is available, either as new or used one at reasonable price. Apart from this the RTE helps in education, various schemes for minorities offer lot of assistance, healthcare, mother and childcare are also taken care of. Incentives for going to government dispensaries for prenatal check up and delivery are already available. Everything provided by the government to its subjects in communist country is understandable. In communist nations a “common man” cannot influence the politburo and cannot change the government. Situation is different in democratic countries. Such schemes are more for creating a vote bank rather than the consideration for welfare state.  If the governments are of different political ideologies at center and at state level then there are chances of competition. One may offer greater benefits than other to appease and this will lead to rat race. There is no end to it. Now the question that bothers me is simple. If one gets everything from government, than why should people work? What is the motivation? Getting dole can be motivation for those above BPL to fall in to BPL. This is not done. Jobs need to be created and fair wages paid so that the citizens can buy the needs form their earnings. Dole, if I can call all these schemes so, makes one lazy. This is not acceptable. India with largest youth population should not be pushed to be lazy nation. If jobs are difficult to create, which can be debated, then entrepreneurship needs to be encouraged. Let people work and earn then spend rather that subsidizing, or giving free. That is bad for the economy and the nation.

Create real jobs. Not jobs on the paper. Fictitious job creation is still more dangerous. I know a sad story of a person who was in fish farming. The labour intensive activity went on for years till one day he found workers abandoning the job on his project. In few months he had no worker to work and was forced out of the business. His enquiries revealed that his ex-employees are on pay roll of some scheme, that provides wages and sad part was the workers may not work if they share the wages with certain individuals and make money even without stepping out of their home. If these kinds of jobs are made available then who the hell will go in for a hard labour on a fish farm? Are we not making the productive population lazy? Work has no substitute. A Latin proverb says, “If there is no wind, row”. Wind will induce lethargy, nobody will row. If one has to reach somewhere, one has to row. Let there be no wind of cheap food, free housing and lots freebies, nobody will row, this will induce lethargy and nation will depend upon the few who work. To ruin the nation nurturing idleness is enough, you don’t need enemies.

The need is for good governance, transparency and no subsidies. The need is to make the population work and not depend upon government dole. If India has to prosper then the politicians have to realize this ground reality. They should strive for the growth and not for just coming to the power. 


  1. i believe you have detected the issue.A Chinese proverb says teach how to bait instead of giving him the fish.Unless the Govt stars thinking beyond VOTE BANKS we have no ray of hope.The best way to rule is to keep the masses in darkness of illiteracy,always helpless and in confusion.The castles of the politicians are built upon the ruins of the commons. Govt . these day is arranging free marriages, the ceremony of GODBHARAI once the girl is conceived then arrange food n govt land for juggis. Schemes like MAHANAREGA GIVE THEM MONEY JUST TO ENROLL . Keep fifty percent in pocket n give fifty percent to govt officials.Free health, free education,money on delivery of a girl child. Not satisfied . the govt also started thirth darshan for old parents. i feel soon funding the honey moon package is next.i am afraid we r just breeding liabilities n not developing assets in the country.These politicians are extravagant at the cost of the hard working middle class.They hike taxes. electricity bills, petrol.The middle class is sandwiched between politicians and the beneficiaries,.Its really nurturing idleness,corruption and glorification of the state of helplessness.

  2. Swati has rightly pointed out the reasons why today's youth is slouching, sir. The govt has made the lower castes so dependent on it that the latter doesn't want to work now. The poor have so much available now - free electricity, electronics, slums, MGNREGA and more that they're now going to find it hard to get out of their comfort zones... This is how political parties like Congress keep winning. And this is why NaMo, even if he comes into power, will not succeed. Because he is one who believes in incentivising hard work. Wonder how he will function when he has to dole out subsidies to stay in power...

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Does getting the basic necessity of life free can kill the desires of growth in an individual? A person with a Bicycle dreams of MotorBike and a motorbikewala wants to ride a four wheeler. When we see kids begging in the trains, at redlights, eating stuffs which even an animal will refuse to eat so.. Doesn't it ridicule our claims of growth as a society.

    Choosing to work simply to fulfil basic necessity of life like food is always a sad affair. The extreme is that even working more than 8 hours like animal is not sufficient to fullfil the basic necessity today. Malnutrition is still rampant in many regions of India. To me the ideal situation should be that people should choose to work out of their interest and inner motivation towards a much higher cause than to simply fulfilling the Roti, Kapada aur Makan need.

    I am not advocating that everything should be provided free to the socially deprived people. But yes the basic thing like quality food, education and healthcare should reach them free. I really want to question the notion that a empty stomach receiving food free will not work and strive for a better standard of living.

    Having said all these things I know the food security bill by present UPA Government can never serve the actual needy one.. the one who deserve it most. Because the intention of Government is not right. It is just another political glimmick. Also not to forget the cancer of corruption among the public distribution system of India. I agree that ideal situation should be to create more oppurtunities and lucrative Jobs but it is also equally important that people should be able to choose job out of their interest and not because of their necessity. It may sound unrealistic and out of the world but this is what I call actual economic freedom.
